The Ancient Ram Inn. Sense the atmosphere as soon as you enter, something is not quite right here. Hear the tales of this dreadful place, sit in vigil and participate in an experimental séance, this could be your night for frights.
The Ancient Ram is built where three Ley Lines converge and on top of a 3,000-year-old ancient Pagan burial ground. If that isn’t enough to pique your interest, mysterious wailing has been heard, children's bones have been found, the walls can tremble, furniture has been seen to levitate, and visitors have been known to run screaming from the building in fear.
The Ancient Ram is said to have been built in the 12th century (1145AD) and owned by the local St Mary's church as a place to house the slaves and workers who helped build the church. Over the centuries the Ancient Ram has taken many forms, it has been remodelled, added-to, a cellar was created and then filled-in, and the river running beneath it was diverted. It is widely believed that witches and certain demons cannot cross running water, by diverting the river a portal was allegedly opened up allowing supernatural entities from the other world to come into this one. There is also rumoured to be a tunnel running from the Inn to the nearby St Mary's church, although to this day it has not been discovered.
This narrative wouldn't be complete if we didn't mention the demons. Oh yes, the demons. Mr John Humphries, owner and a former Baptist Minister, lived in the property for many years and always carried his bible with him. He even slept with his bible which he believed protected him from the supernatural entities, the incubus and the succubus.
Since John has passed, his family have done an amazing amount of work both, inside and out of the Ram Inn. For those who have not visited recently, it is now a lot more open and spacious with even more space available for vigils. Though some say it is less haunted now, we have to disagree, with a myriad of activity every time we visit, including that of John himself.
For you, Fright Nights South West has secured unrestricted access to The Ancient Ram Inn. Local people are known to cross over the road rather than walk past The Ancient Ram at night – we invite you to join us inside.
This event will end in the early hours of the morning, sleeping accommodation is not provided. Several low-cost hotels can be found in Stroud just a short drive away.
What's included?
- Unrestricted access to The Ancient Ram Inn between 8pm and 2am
- History, and tales of The Ancient Ram
- Vigils in the most haunted rooms
- Communication experiments using a Spirit Box and Glass Divination
- A seance experience unique to this event
- Expert advice and discussion about the paranormal
- Hot drinks and snacks
- Your chance to explore this actively haunted venue
We aim to offer a choice of dates for all our ghost hunt events.
They usually take place on a Friday or Saturday evening and continue through until the early hours of the morning (though there are some exceptions).
The number of guests we can take is subject to the Venue, as some have restrictions on numbers due to their size.
All events can be booked on an exclusive group/company basis if requested. Please contact the tour operator for prices.
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